Saturday, May 17, 2008

We've Entered the 21st Century!

I've finally decided to bring myself , and my family along with me, into the 21st century! For several years now, my students have been bombarding me with invitations to Facebook and sending me links to their blog pages. I finally realized that a blog page would be an easy way to share news and photos with friends and family. Perhaps other members of the family or our friends would also like to start blog pages to keep us updated with what is happening in their lives.

The biggest news in our lives is that Bryce is coming home on June 24th! We're so excited to have him come home. He has matured so much on his mission and we're anxious to be blessed by the wonderful spirit he has with him. Those who know Bryce know that he is very quiet. Perhaps when he gets home we can get more of those mission stories that we've hoped to hear out of him. He will be speaking on June 29th in our ward. Our sacrament meeting starts at 1:30. We hope to see some family and friends there.

We've also been excited to see Kelli start college. She was very nervous about it the first week. She has done very well in the introductory psychology class she is taking from me. Whew! I'm very relieved too. It's hard enough to deal with students griping about their grades but the possibility of that student living in my own house added a new dimension to the grading process. Kelli actually tied for the second highest score on the last exam. Perhaps we are witnessing the beginning of another psychologist's career. I suppose time will tell.

Anika is still working on getting enough supervised driving hours to take the driving test. We haven't provided her with many driving opportunities -- we don't go that many places. She gets to drive back and forth to seminary but that will end this week. Hopefully she'll get some good driving hours in this summer as we travel to see family in Utah. She drove me down to Tremonton, Utah last weekend. She is a very good driver and I had to work hard to not simply fall asleep.

Hyrum just celebrated his 4th birthday today! It's a good thing that he got to add another year to his lifespan since he is fond of using the expression, "years ago, I ...." That expression is just slightly more plausible now. He's a cute little boy who finds lots to be excited about. It's hard not to catch some of his enthusiasm. It was a big weekend for him with his 4th birthday and his first camp out last night.

I, Chris, was a bit less excited to celebrate my 44th birthday on Friday. The years are flying by and there is still so much I want to learn and experience. More than anything, I want to have many more years with my wonderful family! All the Lowrys were very happy that the Brian Fuller family could come spend some time at our camping site. Family is everything!

Anyway, welcome to the Lowry Clan News site. We hope that you enjoy it.


Sherie Christensen said...

What's your camping site? You have your very own camping site? It's good to hear what some of you are up to. I think it's funny that Hyrum uses that expression -- did he hear it from you? I always try to figure out where my kids pick up their funny expressions. Anyhow -- thanks for starting a blog.

Chris said...

We weren't really at our own camp site. We went to Beaver Dick Park about 3 miles west of our house. The funny thing is that our own backyard would have been better but the kids didn't want to stay here. We didn't get much sleep there. I think half of Rexburg's college students were camping there. It was like being amongst the wild tribes; there was lots of music and people dancing around their fires.

Miles Lowry said...

But other than the noise,it was a pretty fun camp out. We learned a camp song from Anika and heard some of the camp songs that our parents used to sing which was pretty interesting. I'm hoping for another family camp out soon!

Brent & Paij Collins said...

It's hard to believe that Bryce is coming home so soon. I remember that he left just shortly before we moved out here to the Memphis area. It is great to hear that your family is all doing so well. Your kids are lucky to have such a wonderful father. Enjoy your summer and the time you'll have with the entire family.

Jenny C said...

I think having a blog is a great idea. Hopefully we will have one up soon.
We are so excited for Bryce to come home. We can't wait to see you all together again. We are planning on coming to Bryces "none homecoming" talk. We wouldn't miss it.
It is wonderful that Kelli is going to school. Is she going summer semester?
Well I guess we will be seeing you soon --at dad's 70th B-day party.

Chris said...

Kelli is a summer/fall semester student so she is in classes now and will be next fall too. Byrce is a winter/summer student so he'll be going back to school in January.

I look forward to seeing you and guys next weekend too.