Monday, June 2, 2008

Next to last email from Bryce

Here's a video that a member in the ward that Bryce is serving in sent yesterday after Bryce and his companion had dinner with them.

(Below is the latest email from Bryce. Original spelling retained.)

Dear Dad,

Thanks for the email. SOrry about last week. Didn't have much to say.

Right now I'm covering two wards, Raymond and Acacia Park. They're really slow. THis whole stake is slow. President Harmsen even shut down one of the wards in the stake. I've never seen taht happen before. Our ward mission leaders won't even have correlation with us. And President Harmsen is disappointed in this district (the way it was last transfer). I don't know if you knew that I've been a district leader for the past few months...they usually send a letter to the families of the missionary that gets the call. I've taken it upon myself to help the district get to work. I'm already seeing good results. I'm happy, and I think that may be my mission here in this area before I go home (no, I'm not counting the days, I wanna stay!).

We had a district fast on Sunday to help the work pick up and so that we can leave our areas better than we found them, and that President Watrous (new president next transfer) won't be disappointed in the Fullerton South distric the way president Harmsen was. So that's how things are going. No progressing investigators yet, though tracting has shown to be unusually productive over the past week. I'm happy here, despite the situations.

I love you all so much! Next week is probably my last to email. Missionaries get to go to Disnely Land their second to last week in the field, so in two weeks that's where I'll be. Fun! Though I'd rather be allowed to hang out with members and recent converts before I go home.

anyway, take care. I'm out of time.


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